Needling Beams

Today we are going to discuss a very common and important topic within the construction industry for refurbishment projects known as “needle beams”.

By definition, “ensuring – the horizontal cross beam which goes through the wall or appear and upon the weight of the wall rests when a building is shored up to allow for alterations in the lower part”. These are a form of temporary works and all the items mentioned in our articles on temporary works previously need to be considered when designing needling beams.

These types of temporary works are used on the majority of construction projects which involve partial, the whole demolition or refurbishment of projects. It is very important when designing a needling beam system, that we understand how the existing structure works.

This will involve researching existing floor plans, calculations and surveying the existing building. This ensures that the correct design criteria is used for the design of the needling beam system being utilized on site.


We hope this article proved useful and gave you a brief insight into the needling beam systems that can be used on site. We here at LSY are involved in numerous projects including refurbishment, demolition and new build where needling beams are required to be specified. Please feel free to get in touch with us here at LSY.

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