Make-A-Wish Charity Sky Dive

This is bit of a different article to normal this month on the 19th of August we will be participating in a charity skydiving event in aid of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, for those of you who are not aware of the Make A Wish Foundation below is an insight in an insight to what this charity does.

Make-A-Wish® UK creates life-changing wishes that revive the childhood that critical illness takes away, bringing light and joy at the darkest of times for a child and their loved ones. Right now, there are 60,000 children in the UK living with a critical condition; your generous support will help them step closer to achieving their vision: to grant a wish to every eligible child. Together, we have the power to light up the darkness.

Take a look at the Wish Stories on the Make-A-Wish® UK website to read about the magical wishes that supporters like yourselves have made come true in recent months.

We would like to thank Mac Demo, NDA Agency, and Thomas Alexander Architects for all being willing participants in the event.

Anyone that would like to donate to our event for the Make-A-Wish Foundation please see the below link to donate.

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